Washington DC Ready For Carnival


Kingsley Irish

Release Date

Friday, June 24, 2011


Washington DC comes alive this weekend with the sounds of Carnival. The main parade and activities will take place on Saturday, June 25 starting at 11:00AM.

This year's Carnival in the Capital will be celebrating its 19th year and will form part of the Caribbean Heritage Month activities. Over 30 groups are expected to take part in the parade on the 25th.

The route as released by organisers will beginat Kansas Avenue, North West along the Georgia Avenue business corridor and ending at Barry Place, North West across from the Howard University Campus in D.C.

The DC Carnival is produced by DC Caribbean Carnival, Inc. Sponsors for this year's event include Wal-mart, 7-eleven, Diageo and the DC Lottery.

For further information visit website www.dccarnival.org.

Photo by Jonnyfromtheblock of Flickr

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