Montserrat Secondary School Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Examination Results 2020

Montserrat Secondary School Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Examination Results 2020

Montserrat Secondary School Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Examination Results 2020

Release Date

Monday, October 5, 2020


The Montserrat Secondary School has received the preliminary results for students who wrote the CSEC EXAMINATIONS in May/June 2020.

Forty-eight (48) students entered to write CXC exams this year. The students wrote a total of three hundred and fifty (350) subject entries in the 2020 CSEC Examinations at General and Technical Proficiency Levels. Based on the provisional results Grades I – III passes were obtained in three hundred and fifteen (315) of them yielding a pass rate of 90% up from the 70% obtained in 2019.

Of the 24 subject proficiencies taken at CXC CSEC examinations,

(1) 100% passes were recorded in fourteen (14) of them: Biology; Caribbean History; Electronic Document Preparation and Management (EDPM); Food Nutrition and Health; French; Geography; Industrial Technology (Building); Information Technology; Office Administration; Physical Education and Sport; Physics; Principles of Business; Spanish and Technical Drawing.

(2) Pass rates of 92% and 93% respectively were recorded for Agricultural Science and Chemistry.

(3) A pass rate of 93.6% was recorded for English A, up from the 51% obtained in 2019.

(4) Industrial Technology (Electrical) and Social Studies received pass rates of 85.7% and 83% respectively.

(5) Math recorded a 65.9% pass rate up from the 44% pass rate obtained in the 2019 exams

(6) This year, all subjects with the exception of English B and Visual Arts, received pass rates of 65% and over. However, the results for Principles of Business (PoB) are being reviewed.

(7) Eighty-five percent of the boys who wrote the exams received passing grades with 33.13% of them achieving passes at the Grade II level. This is comparable to the performance of the females for whom a 34.22 % was achieved at this level. The females outperformed the males at the Grade I level with 33.69% achieving this grade compared to 21.47% of the Males.

(8) Notable student performances in the examinations are set out below:

Passes in eleven subject areas (without PoB) were obtained by:

Victoria Chalmers - 7 Grade 1s 2 Grade 2s 2 Grade 3s

Aleysia Gerald - 4 Grade 1s 7 Grade 2s

Passes in nine subject areas (without PoB) were obtained by:

Shenique Irish- 8 Grade 1s 1 Grade 2

Keanna Meade 7 Grade 1s 1 Grade 2 1 Grade 3

Shawnee Farrell - 2 Grade 1s 5 Grade 2s 2 Grade 3s

Korina Galloway- 2 Grade 1s 3 Grade 2s 4 Grade 3s

Keanu Kirnon- 1 Grade 1 2 Grade 2s 6 Grade 3s

Passes in eight subject areas (without PoB) were obtained by 7 students namely:

1. Lauren Estwick

2. Diona Herdsman

3. Anya Jeffers

4. Nvika Kelly

5. Josiah Persaud

6. Beryl Ray-Idiaghe

7. Ridge Samuel

Thirteen students obtained passes in 7 subjects (without PoB). They are:

1. Ajahni Brade

2. Oneilla Campbell (7 Grade 1s)

3. Ladessa Irish

4. Emeka Jailal

5. Leela Loius

6. Sydney Mendes

7. Codi Moulon-Roache

8. Ezekiel Percival

9. Davane Richards

10. Siegel Rodney

11. Terese Weekes

12. Jemol Williams

13. Dulaine Woods

Seven (7) students recorded passes in 6 subjects while three (3) students recorded passes in 5 subjects.

A key indicator for education is the percentage of students in the year five cohort who obtain 5 or more CSEC passes including English and Math. This year 61.5% the year five cohort obtained 5+ CSEC passes including Math and English. This performance is up from the 26% obtained in 2019.

This year’s performance is the best that the school has recorded since 2003.

The school extends congratulations to the students who were successful, to their parents for their support and to the teachers for their hard work and dedication especially during the challenges brought on by the COVID Pandemic. The school also extends sincerest gratitude to the members of the community and to the overseas based teachers who assisted by providing online tutoring our students.

For those who were not as successful as they would have liked, the school encourages them to pursue further studies.

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