In Honour of Virgin Islands Music Legends, The Awesome Jam Band

The Awesome Jam Band

Jeevan Robinson

Release Date

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Across the Caribbean, there are many bands of note that continue to make invaluable contributions to the development and the intrigue that surrounds the region's various musical expressions. Within the Soca music artform, there is but one band from the United States Virgin Islands, called the Awesome Jam Band, that for 32 successive years have been flying the flag of Soca music within the Virgin Islands, continually reinventing their sound, and keeping abreast and ahead of the changing Soca music landscape.

As St Thomas currently celebrates 60 years of carnival, the Awesome Jam Band has come forward with an album of notable distinction, deservedly befitting their status as living Legends within the Virgin Islands and by extension, the wider Caribbean.

The album for 2012 is aptly entitled, 'We Will Survive'. The renditions and musical compositions that are featured on this new album range from stomping up-tempo tunes such as the massive So So & So, Jam Band Academy & Celebration to groovy but equally thrilling, 'Really Love you & Nah Go Home. Also featured on the album is the Party Mix for 2012, which is a toast to the album itself and the Legacy of Jam Band. The Party Mix features a captivating remix of classic tunes that have made the Awesome Jam Band great over the past 32 years.

Not only have the Jam Band been present for 32 years of Carnival, but they have the unmatched and much coveted record of being the only band within the Caribbean to have won the much respected Road March Title a total of 21 times. A feat yet to be neared by any other regional band.

The Jam Band has returned this year for Carnival with an album so designed to cement their status as the undisputed kings of the Virgin Islands Soca music scene. Regard must be given to Ambrose, Boots' Schmidt, Reuben Daddy Benzie' Forbes and all the other members of the Awesome Jam Band for a master class in creativity and music production with the offerings on the new album.

The 60th Anniversary of the Virgin Islands Carnival is as much about St Thomas and its great cultural traditions, in as much as it is also about The Awesome Jam Band. Evolving from Eddie & the Movements in the 80's, the Jam Band has withstood a barrage of forces thrown against it. Some of these forces were designed to set in motion the demise of the band, but through sheer will and the continued support of their fans and a dedicated support team, even in tough times, the Jam Band has survived.

When the charismatic former leader, Nick Daddy Friday passed away in 2005, many believed this would have seen an end to Jam Band. However, in life we all have to adjust to unexpected developments and while The Awesome Jam Band keeps the flame of Daddy Friday's legacy alive, the Jam Band sound and music had to carry on. This 60th Anniversary album reinforces the Jam Band spirit and a commitment to producing quality music.

The Jam Band brand is still a force to be reckoned with. Piping melodies and infectious rhythms mixed with mature, relevant and catchy lyrics with an infusion of horns to make any and everyone dance!

Hooray for the Virgin Island's 60th Carnival Anniversary! Hooray for The Awesome Jam Band for being ever present and continuing to make great music.'

A selection of some of the songs from the 2012 album is featured below.'

So So SoJam Band3.00{audio}So So So|So_So_So1.mp3{/audio}
Really Love YouJam Band3.00{audio}Really Love You|Really_Love_You1.mp3{/audio}
Jamband AcademyJam Band3.00{audio}Jam Band Academy|Jamband_Academy1.mp3{/audio}


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Jeevan Robinson is Founder & Editor-in-Chief of The Caribbean's global marketing, news and information online magazine, MNI ( He can be reached at

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