Governor"s Office Expresses Sympathies to all involved in Incident at Montserrat"s John A Osborne Airport


Release Date

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


The Governor's Office on Montserrat today expressed their sympathy to all those involved in yesterday’s incident at the John A Osborne Airport on the island. It was a huge relief that no one was injured stated the release from the Governor's Office. 

They also took the time to express their appreciation to the emergency services and airport authorities for their swift response and their hard work into what was a very rainy evening after the incident occurred. "Their commitment and skill are a great reassurance to us all in this small island community," stated Governor Pearce

A team from the Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) in the UK will be arriving in Montserrat tomorrow to work with the local investigator to help take forward an investigation. This will be important to ensure that any necessary lessons are identified, learned and implemented.

In the meantime, discussions are underway on whether adjustments in airport operations are required pending the fuller investigation.

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