Caribbean Beer To Make Huge USA Splash

Caribbean Beer To Make Huge USA Splash

Release Date

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


When it comes to "beach beers, Corona has the sleepy, laid-back approach down to a science. That's fine if your idea of a good time is a beach chair and a good book, but the brewers behind Carib ' a leading brand on its home island of Trinidad and the Caribbean's most widely distributed brand ' have other plans.

Brewed since 1950, Carib has enjoyed huge success in the Caribbean and in recent years has begun focusing more attention on the American beer market, beginning with Florida and later in New York. Florida was a market that seemed like an ideal launching pad and a natural fit for a beer that prides itself on embracing the outgoing, high-energy Caribbean lifestyle. To help speed the transition from homeland beer of choice to mainland import, Carib has partnered with food and beverage marketing agency Pavone.

The main objective for Pavone: Make a bigger splash in Florida and then introduce the original island favorite to beer drinkers beyond the Sunshine State. As the current buzz surrounding Carib continues, that introduction should come easily. A recent review called it "the quintessential beach beer and "confident it'll beat Corona every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

"Carib is a household name in Trinidad and throughout the Caribbean, but that recognition took many years to develop, said Carib Beer USA President Jean Theuvenin. "We don't expect to duplicate that success overnight here in the United States, but the time is definitely right for us to grow the Carib brand in America.

The Pavone marketing campaign will include on-premise promotions and events, traditional advertising, and supply channel outreach with distributors.

The campaign kicks off this summer and is focused on the test market of South Florida. The Pavone team created a campaign for Carib based on what the Caribbean is all about ' adventure and excitement. The region is credited as the originators of carnival, a festive period of costumes, dance, music, street parties and parades which has been adapted by cities around the world.

"Despite what other beer brands might want you to believe, the Caribbean is much more than just relaxation and quiet beaches, said Pavone President Michael Pavone. "It's a very active and outgoing culture, and this campaign will bring that culture to life and give American beer drinkers a taste of an authentic Caribbean experience.

Carib is truly Caribbean with breweries in Trinidad, St. Kitts and Grenada, producing a variety of lagers, stouts and its flagship brand, Carib.

Photo Credit To Carib Brewery

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