Caribbean Airlines Flight Crash Lands In Guyana Breaking In Two

Crashed Caribbean airlines plane

Kingsley Irish

Release Date

Saturday, July 30, 2011


A Caribbean Airlines flight has crash landed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport in Guyana with 154 passengers on board. All passengers and the eight crew members on board BW523 survived the crash after the Boeing 737-800 aircraft broke in two by the time it came to a halt.

The crash occurred at 1:32AM, three and half hours after the flight was due to arrive in Guyana before moving on to Trinidad. Initial reports suggest that the pilot landed half way down the runway due to bad visibility and could not stop in time. Several of the passengers sustained injuries, cuts and bruises, with the pilot escaping with a broken leg.

Caribbean Airlines have issued a statement stating that they have activated their emergency response programme and is in direct contact with the relevant authorities.

"The airline's primary concern at this time is for those on board the aircraft and their families," said the airline. "Details of the incident will be released as soon as all information has been confirmed."

Guyana's President Bharrat Jagdeo, Transport Minister Robeson Benn and Minister of Health Dr. Leslie Ramsammy were promptly on the scene after the crash.

A press briefing is to be held this morning at the VIP lounge at Piarco International Airport in Trinidad.

Photo Credit To Stabroek News

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