At The Rainbow"s Very End (Stories for a Daughter)

At The Rainbow’s Very End (Stories for a Daughter)


Release Date

Friday, May 29, 2015


TORONTO, ONTARIO: At The Rainbow’s Very End (Stories for a Daughter) a fun walkabout “Celadon” Antigua, and a look at the lives of the people who lived there; those who existed in shades of brown and shades of gray, and those who lived more colorful lives. AtRVE, a novel by Franklyn Jones, simulates the lost art of storytelling as it was practiced in his childhood community.

Set in GraysGreen of middle sixties Antigua, when Church, Pasture and the Corner where the centers of social activity. Pasture the place for sports, meetings, Church revivals and nocturnal erotic adventures. The corner the place for the antics of chatterboxes, jokesters and scandalmongers, for insinuation, gossip and minding peoples business.

AtRVE tells stories of a place where the residents - family friends and neighbors helped each other, and shared food, mêlée and responsibilities, drank a little, and attended church. It was a time of rapid and drastic changes to the island’s economy, its politics and the landscape. But nevertheless, and in spite of infrequent and meager pay packets, residents of Celadon fell in and out of love, and had fun as they struggled with the conflict between responsibility and arithmetic.

Franklyn Jones was born in the GraysGreen community Antigua, and except when he travelled for study, lived in that community until adulthood. In Antigua, he worked in Air Traffic Control and Special Education.

Franklyn Jones lives in Tennessee and works as a Systems Analyst and is available for interviews and appearances, he can be contacted at

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