The Chairman of the Antigua & Barbuda Labour Party (ALP), Mr Chet Greene speaking today to Mr Warren Cassell on ZJB says Antigua is politically on edge.
Mr Greene went on further to exclusively reveal to Mr Cassell, and first published here on MNI Alive: Global Caribbean Media, that the people of Antigua and Barbuda have asked him to let Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer know that they do not wish to hear from him via the airwaves, unless he is coming on the radio to announce an election date. Mr Greene says the people of Antigua and Barbuda are united in their mindset that the UPP has got to go, and are only interested in hearing the date of elections from the Prime Minister.
Election fever in Antigua and Barbuda is being ratcheted even more as the twin island nation awaits two expected decisions from the Caribbean Court of Appeal to be handed down on Monday Aril 28, 2014 at 9:00AM.
The decisions being awaited from the Caribbean Court of Appeal are for both the elections boundaries case and also alleged voter registration issues against the ruling UPP party. Party Chairman Greene stated that the UPP were attempting to gerrymander the boundaries on constituencies in Antigua whilst also seeking to disenfranchise voters in Antigua and Barbuda.
Both legal challenges were mounted against the UPP by the ALP, initially being thrown out by the Court but are now due for an Appeals decision which will, according to Mr Greene, impact the upcoming 2014 elections in Antigua & Barbuda.
His statements echo those of the UPP Chairman, Leon “Chaku” Symister, whom MNI Alive: Global Caribbean Media reported earlier this week intimated the same.
Referring to the ABLP being ready to take control of Antigua and Barbuda, Mr Greene says they are ready “both for elections and ready to resume governing Antigua." The main areas they will be focusing on are the economy, creating jobs and having persons in Antigua and Barbuda realising their dreams. These areas of growth he claims the UPP have neglected to moved forward during their time in office.
When asked about the statement made by the UPP Chairman Chaku, in stating that the UPP is ready to leave the ALP where they belong, which is in opposition; Mr Greene responded that Chaku must have had great difficulties convincing even himself of that statement as not even the Antiguan people are impressed by the governance of the UPP.
Mr Greene said that life in ANU has gotten very difficult under the UPP and these are the things that are being brought to the fore by the people he speaks to. Areas such as education he says are key and have been left wanting under the UPP.
The ALP Chairman says further, that when voters consider the comparison between the UPP and the ALP there is none, as the ALP has delivered for Antigua for 28 years prior to the UPP gaining power.
He says the Prime minister not calling a date for elections is itself a form of provocation from the Baldwin Spencer administration. He indicated that the UPP has blamed the economic crisis in Antigua/Barbuda on the global meltdown, however, this is just an excuse as the UPP have failed to bring forward real growth for the country even as the world climbs out of its economic slump, because the UPP is bereft of ideas.
Listen to the full interview with Mr Greene below