7 Common Performance Review Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

7 Common Performance Review Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Karen Hinds

Release Date

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


It's inevitable: as a manager you must conduct a performance review, but for some managers doing reviews is as dreaded as a trip to the dentist. Now that the joys of Thanksgiving have come and gone, many managers are not looking forward to the next 4-6 weeks when they are required to complete reviews for their employees. This can be especially stressful for reviews with difficult employees. Here are 6 common performance reviews pitfalls to avoid.

1. Reviews done on the fly. Yes, it's the end of year, but reviews should not be done spontaneously. Set a time, choose a private comfortable location and let your employee know ahead of time so he/she can come prepared. As a manager, you, too, should be prepared with notes from throughout the year outlining areas of excellence and those that need work.

2. The one-way conversation. Unfortunately, some managers feel that the review is a time for them to talk to the employee instead of with the employee. This should be a two-way conversation. Let the employee evaluate themself as well so you are able to listen to what areas need improvement and the areas where they excel.

3. No follow-up action plan. Decide on a plan of action after the review is completed. Recognize great work and help the employee improve areas that need to be enhanced. Don't wait until next year.

4. Tip-toeing around bad performance. Be specific when addressing employees with less than stellar performance. Be specific about the areas that needs improvement and develop a correction plan with regular deadlines and expected outcomes. Avoid general statements and personal attacks. The goal is to address the behaviors that are subpar.

5. Inflating good performance. Resist the urge to give some employees exceptional ratings on all their performance areas. No employee is perfect and, although an individual may be outstanding in some areas, there will always be skills they need to improve.

6. Exaggerating poor performance. When an employee does not perform well, be specific as stated above. Resist the temptation to deliver a poor rating on all levels, especially when personal bias comes into play. Every employee has good attributes and those that need improvement.

7. Avoiding the emotions. Performance reviews should hold no surprises if you, as a manager, took the time throughout the year to update your team on their performance. If that was not done, be prepared for employees who may be visibly upset if you deliver a review that seems inaccurate to them. Listen, be specific, encourage feedback, and ensure this never happens again.

Note:Karen Hinds is a leading expert on developing emerging leaders. She is the author of A Young Adult's Guide to the Global Workplace; Get Along, Get Ahead: 101 Courtesies for the New Workplace; Networking for a Better Position & More Profit. She is the CEO and founder of Workplace Success Group LLC as well as a sought-after keynote speaker and workshop leader. Follow her on twitter @worksuccess. She can be reached at Karen@workplacesuccess.com.

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