Chai Lifeline Canada’s annual holiday toy drive is well underway for the 15th year. As an organization that provides unique support and services to children and families affected by illness, Chai Lifeline Canada has a special call to action for the holidays – give a toy, give joy.
On Sunday December 12th Chai Lifeline Canada will welcome a special delivery of more than 1000 toys from the Chai Five Toy Drive - a collective effort of 4 children and their families. Ariel (11), Ethan (9), Marky (7), and Sisi (8) met through Chai Lifeline Canada as they navigated through their pediatric cancer journey. While each child has a unique story, one of the special things that unites them, and their families is the support of Chai Lifeline Canada. These incredible children have experienced first-hand how wonderful and uplifting it is to receive new toys when they were sick and in hospital and are now looking to pay it forward by collecting toys for other sick children.
Their stories are featured in a recent Chai Lifeline Canada docuseries, Present for Life. Watch/share it here.
"Toys make such a difference to kids tht are sick. Toys bring such joy when kids are facing big battles. We know firsthand how these kind gestures got Ethan through treatment nad we want to help others," says Cindi Shoot, Ethan's Mom.
Chai Lifeline Canada's annual toy drive is for the more than 400 children and families currently in Chai Lifeline Canada’s care who are facing every possible setback. Each toy will put a smile on a child’s face, encouraging their imagination and coping skills, decreasing their stress, and helping them hope beyond their current circumstances. Chai Lifeline Canada is honoured to have incredible support from schools, organizations, and families across the city, all running toy drives of their own.
WHEN: Sunday December 12, 2021, 9am - 11am
WHERE: 300 Wilson Avenue, Toronto (parking lot behind building)
About Chai Lifeline Canada
The Annual Holiday Toy Drive is just one of the dozens of free programs offered by Chai Lifeline Canada. For the past 14 years, the organization has helped support seriously ill children and their families with programs, workshops, and counseling of all kinds. Programs include counseling, summer camps, tutoring for children missing extended periods of school, Big Brother-Big Sister initiatives, family retreats, sibling programs, peer, and professional support.