The Do's And Don'ts Of Pool Cleaning: Expert Advice

lady sitting by pool

Daniel Washington

Release Date

Friday, May 31, 2024


When the weather improves, people seek different ways to enjoy the sunshine. You could plan outdoor games for the kids, or activities with your friends this weekend. Some people install swimming pools in their backyards. This can be a great way to relax and unwind, but it'll need regular maintenance. This article provides expert guidance on what you should and shouldn't do when cleaning your swimming pool.

Do Choose The Right Cleaning Equipment

The market is flooded with various tools and gadgets, but not all are suitable for your pool type or size. It's therefore crucial to understand the needs of your pool - such as its surface material, dimensions, and frequency of use. It's wise to invest in high-quality brushes, skimmers, vacuums, and chemicals. If they're tailored to your pool's needs, they'll simplify the cleaning process. In contrast, using improper or outdated tools can lead to ineffective cleaning. This could result in algae growth and debris accumulation, or damage to your pool surfaces.

Many people prefer to spend their time enjoying their pool, rather than cleaning it. Fortunately, it's possible to buy a robotic pool cleaner that works with any size, shape, and type of pool. It can suck up loose debris from the floor and surface, and scrub the floor and walls to remove grime. They waste less water, reduce chemical usage, and use smart navigation technology.

Do Regularly Clean The Filters And Skimmer Baskets

The filters help to trap debris, dirt, and other contaminants, preventing them from circulating in the water. By neglecting these components, you run the risk of clogging the filtration system. This can lead to poor water circulation and potential equipment damage.

Skimmer baskets are equally important to maintain. They collect leaves, insects, and other floating debris before they sink to the bottom of the pool. Cleaning them regularly ensures proper water flow through the filtration system, preventing blockages that could affect its efficiency. Clean skimmer baskets promote better chemical distribution in the pool, helping maintain balanced water chemistry levels.

Do Test And Balance The Water Regularly

This is crucial for maintaining optimal water quality and ensuring a safe swimming environment. You should frequently measure key factors such as pH levels, chlorine concentration, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. This can prevent issues like algae growth, cloudy water, and skin irritations. Ignoring these essential tests could lead to costly problems that could have been easily avoided.

Regular water testing allows you to make minor adjustments as needed, rather than waiting for major imbalances to occur. This proactive approach saves you money on expensive chemicals and keeps your pool hygienic.

Do Schedule Professional Servicing

Skimming the surface and checking chemical levels are important tasks you can handle yourself. However, there are more intricate aspects of pool maintenance that require specialized knowledge and equipment. Professional service technicians can identify potential issues early on, addressing them before they escalate into costly problems. By scheduling regular servicing, you can ensure a safe and clean swimming environment, and extend the lifespan of your pool equipment.

These experts follow a systematic approach to cleaning, testing water quality, and performing necessary repairs or adjustments. This helps prevent unexpected breakdowns or malfunctions that could disrupt your enjoyment of the pool. Additionally, partnering with a reliable service provider helps you establish a trusted relationship. You'll be able to seek advice on improving efficiency or upgrading equipment (based on changing needs or technological advancements).

lady swimming in pool

Don't Use Abrasive Cleaning Chemicals Or Forget To Shock The Pool

Don't use cheap, abrasive cleaning chemicals in an attempt to achieve a quick fix. These harsh chemicals can do more harm than good in the long run. They can damage the surfaces of your pool, and endanger your health and the environment. The solution is to choose gentler and more eco-friendly options. Fortunately, they'll be just as effective at keeping your pool clean. Consider using natural cleaning agents like vinegar or baking soda, which are safe for both you and the environment.

Shocking the pool helps to kill bacteria, algae, and other contaminants that regular chlorine may not be able to handle. It also helps to keep the water sparkling clear and welcoming. Skipping this vital step can lead to poor water quality, skin irritations, and health risks.

Don't Forget The Safety Aspect

While pool cleaning may seem like a routine chore, it's crucial to maintain safety at all times. Many accidents and injuries can occur during pool maintenance activities. This especially applies when it comes to handling chemicals or operating machinery. You should always prioritize safety by wearing protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and closed-toe shoes.

Be mindful of proper chemical storage and handling procedures to avoid accidental spills or exposure. To prevent dangerous chemical reactions, you should never mix different types of chemicals without first consulting a professional. Regularly check the condition of your pool equipment and tools to ensure they're in good working order. This will reduce the risk of malfunctions that could lead to accidents. Finally, think about the dangers of people slipping, tripping, and falling (especially if you have young children present). Make sure the entire environment is kept safe at all times, whether you're alone or with others.

Don't Forget To Winterize Your Pool

Properly winterizing your pool is vital for protecting it from potential damage, which can be caused by freezing temperatures and snowfall. Neglecting this task could result in costly repairs come springtime. Even if you live in a milder climate, the winterizing process can prolong the lifespan of your pool and its equipment. 

You'll need to balance the water chemistry, lower the water level, cover the pool securely, and protect exposed pipes and equipment. If you prepare your pool for the colder months ahead, it'll be up and running quicker in the spring.

Following these expert tips will extend the life of your pool and provide a safer experience for everyone. This applies whether it's your daily dip, chilling out with family, or entertaining guests. In turn, you can enjoy all of the benefits your pool provides as you have fun in your backyard.  

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