Sensitive Skin? Here's How to Build a Gentle Skincare Routine

facial skin care

Daniel Washington

Release Date

Monday, July 1, 2024


We are not all the same, so some people have skin that is more resistant and hard, while others have sensitive skin that is much more sensitive to external factors. There are different ways to take care of your skin according to your type, and we have prepared methods for you to create an ideal skincare routine for your sensitive skin.



With your sensitive skin, you have to be very careful, and you can't use the same products as those whose skin is dry because they can irritate your skin and damage it, leading to redness. It is important to avoid products that contain perfumes and alcohol, which can cause more damage, but choose those that are mild and based on natural ingredients. The cleaning technique is also different, and you have to pay attention to every detail. The water you use for rinsing must be lukewarm and not warm or hot, so your movements must be circular and light so as not to damage the sensitive skin, which means that they must not be forceful rubbing. Use a soft towel that is not hard but soft, and dry your face in such a way that you only touch the towel to your face a couple of times and do not rub your face with it.


Sensitive skin just means that it is more sensitive than other types of skin, that it is more unprotected, and that it lacks many barriers. The good news is that this problem can still be solved with 345 relief cream, which has antioxidants that create a protective barrier, protect against sun damage, and accelerate wound healing. This cream also contains Vitamin E, which nourishes the skin and reduces inflammation. It is important to properly protect the skin with clothes that are not heavy and rough, and that can hurt it, but with light clothes and a hat that will protect the face and will be a good help during difficult sunny days. Also, to protect the skin, it is necessary to avoid heavy and strong preparations that can cause irritation, but mild ones specially made for more sensitive skin must be used, and we can find this confirmation on the packaging.


Sensitive skin is often primarily dry, and this combination leads to major problems, so regular hydration is necessary. Hydration is important because it creates a protective barrier around the skin and makes it more resistant to external factors. Hydrated skin is elastic and shiny because the cells are replenished, so dryness is prevented. Skin regeneration is made possible by adequate hydration, which allows the cells to renew themselves. In order to keep the skin hydrated, it is important to drink plenty of fluids during the day, and this does not apply to alcohol and caffeinated beverages because they do an excellent job of dehydrating the entire body, including the skin. Adequate preparations can also be used, but they are gentle and will not cause problems. It is important not to forget to hydrate the skin around the neck because this area is often neglected and is very prone to dehydration.


Stress has many factors that affect mental health, but people do not know that it has a very negative effect on the physical health of people, especially the skin, which is one of the organs that reacts the most to stress. It is important to avoid stressful situations and find activities where you can find peace, such as yoga or a hobby. With the aim of protecting the skin, this method solves many mental and physical problems and difficulties that people face in everyday life. There are also many natural supplements, such as teas, that regulate the level of stress and, incidentally, perform the role of hydrating the skin and the whole body. Being in nature can be very effective for relaxation, and it is necessary to take into account the potential risks and test the body for allergens because most allergic reactions are reflected on the skin and can worsen the condition by causing itching and redness on the already sensitive skin.


Processed food should be avoided if a person wants to take care of the health of their sensitive skin precisely because it contains hormones that negatively affect it, and sensitive skin immediately reacts. A nutritious and properly balanced diet will ensure that the sensitive skin receives all the nutrients it needs for proper regeneration and protection from external factors. Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant that provides moisture to the skin and soothes it. Other nutrients, such as vitamin C, help in the synthesis of collagen, which is the protein that the goat needs. Zinc contributes to the immune system, protecting the skin from infections and also helping regulate sebum, which often clogs pores and leads to acne. It is important to consume fruits and vegetables that are full of these vitamins and minerals in order to be carefree.


During daily walks outside, air pollution can easily be reflected on the skin of passers-by, that is, particles from the air that cause clogged pores and damage the skin of the body. Hygiene is one of the conditions for the skin to be protected, and many irregularities are actually caused by inadequate skin hygiene. Considering that we are talking about the hygiene of sensitive skin, it is important to take care that it is adequate for it and to use mild products on a natural basis, such as aloe vera and lukewarm water, and it is necessary to take care of regular showering and face washing at least three times a day because it is the most exposed to external factors and also the hands.



Skin care must be adapted to our special skin type in order to achieve the desired effect and not harm the part of the body that represents us. We hope that this list was helpful to you and that you will be able to create an ideal daily skincare routine that you will stick to.

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