An Overview of Some Evidence-Based Therapy Options for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder

Daniel Washington

Release Date

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


No matter how many problems there are, there are more and more solutions. Science is developing day by day and has produced many interesting and painless methods that are easily available to us and that have been scientifically proven. Accordingly, we have created just such a list for you, and perhaps you will find in it one of the methods that will sound interesting to you and that can help your child or a close person.

autism spectrum disorder

The Tomatis method

The ears are powerful sensory processing tools and are well connected to the brain. The method aims to optimize the potential of the ears, that is, the power of listening because hearing and listening are not the same, and help train the brain. The basic idea is that listening can affect brain development and emotional well-being. The Tomatis method helps children with autism, attention disorders, hyperactivity, communication and communication problems, and learning difficulties. This method is the result of long-term research and practice by the French otorhinolaryngologist Alfred Tomatis, an innovative approach that uses specially processed sounds and music to improve cognitive, emotional, and language functions. The method includes listening sessions of specifically processed music and sounds, using special headphones as a tool. The method is completely painless, without harmful effects on the brain's hearing.

Picture Exchange Communication System PECS

This method involves the use of photographs that people with autism use to express their current feelings. It originated in the USA and was designed by Doctor of Philosophy Andy Bondy and Master of Speech Therapy Lori Frost. PECS has been proven by a large number of researchers. This method is described in over 240 magazines, and we recommend that you read a good, insightful autism magazine that will inspire you to continue and expand your options. It is composed of six phases, each of which is crucial and must be followed to make the process as successful as possible with the aim of teaching the user functional communication.


Our brain produces electrical impulses that have different frequencies and characteristics and are called brain waves. These are delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma waves of frequencies from 0.5-100Hz, and each of them has an important role. Neurofeedback measures these brain waves and can then give a feedback signal to the brain in auditory or visual form, that is, by looking at the screen. The goal is to keep those brain waves longer to train them, which would later have great results in everyday life. Neurofeedback is used for ADHD, attention deficit disorder, autism, delayed speech development, and hyperactivity. Thanks to this, brain activity is analyzed, which provides information on how the brain functions and which the psychologist can use to further work with you. Experiences show that almost 80%-90% of users felt improvements in their daily activities after several treatments of this device. Specifically, neurofeedback strengthens concentration and increases interest in work. It is completely safe, has no harmful effects or health consequences, and is painless.

Sensory room

The sensory room consists of various elements and equipment that stimulate our senses of touch, smell, hearing, and sight. In most cases, this equipment consists of light elements such as light bulbs and LED strips of different shapes and colors that contribute to the feeling of relaxation. Devices for sound reproduction with different sound effects that create a customized atmosphere. There are also various aromas and smells, tactile elements, pools with balls, soft furniture, and projectors that make all the senses of the user turn on in that room. It is intended for children and young people who have problems with sensory integration, which are most often people from the autistic spectrum, young people with attention disorders, speech and mental development disorders, and a wide range of disorders. In addition to improving sensory and motor skills, they are also used to reduce stress, support learning, and develop speaking skills. Sensory rooms have been used in the Netherlands since 1970 and are still present and developing as a proven and very useful therapy.

Therapy with animals

This therapy is used with trained animals, most often dogs, which, by providing support, helps a person with autism to improve their emotional and physical well-being. It also helps people with autism improve communication and social skills as well as reduce anxiety. The animals are specially trained and connect with the user in a very special way. This also greatly helps to give the feeling of security and connection and develop empathy. The therapy involves various activities such as brushing, playing, and walking with the dog. Each person with autism is special in their way, so these therapies must be adapted to them and their needs and be individual as much as possible. It is interesting that, in addition to dogs, trained dolphins also performed very well in this therapy. Dolphin therapy is scientifically proven and currently used. Dolphins are very intelligent and empathetic creatures that, in a specially secured pool, help people with autism to develop motor skills in addition to all the things already mentioned. This type of therapy is also used for neurological needs and psychological trauma.

Art therapy

Art therapy is a series of fun and interactive activities that enable people with autism to feel peace, well-being, and inclusion through interesting methods. This includes drawing, painting, music, dancing, sculpting, participating in theater performances, and many other creative activities. These greatly affect their attention and concentration as well as their motor skills and emotional expression. This is a valuable tool that allows people with autism to feel empowered to express themselves in different ways.


The search for knowledge is something we all strive for and we should not stop until we achieve our goal. Every person in the world is unique, and some things suit them, while others don’t. We tried our best to show you different methods and proven research in this text, which you can use through consultation with a person with autism to find the process that suits that person the most. If these methods are unsuitable, try to broaden your search and find the most optimal ones.

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